Why Krishna always smiles?

Why Krishna (Bansi Bajaiya / Murlidhar ) always smiles?

Why Krishna (Bansi Bajaiya / Murlidhar ) always smiles ?

Krishna had so many names like Bansi Bajaiya/GOVINDA/KRISHNA/Nand Lala/ Girdhar Gopala, Chitchor etc. He gave us a great learning which we will discuss here in this article. We will get the reason of why Krishna always smiles?

Let’s understand why Krishna always smiles? Dear Friends, whatever Krishna did, it was for some specific purpose. He came on this earth to teach us something that is very special and meaningful. Kanha never does anything without reason. We have always seen Krishna smiling. When KRISHNA came on earth to do his leela, he faced so many problems in his life, from his childhood itself demons tried to kill him. KRISHNA left Vrandavan to kill Kansa to establish Dharma. He was always in favor of love and spreading love.

Bansi Bajaiya became the chariot driver of Arjun in Mahabharata. He accepted the curse from Gandhari happily.


SECRET OF KRISHNA’S SMILE- Now it is the time to open the secret of Krishna’s smile. So my dear Friends do you know, Bansi Bajaiya, GOVINDA , means Krishna has so many problems in his life, still he always had smile on his face. Krishna wants you to understand that no matter how hard the situated gets, don’t let the situation overpower you. Keep your mind clam, you will get solution yourself. King of the universe loves you and this reason itself is enough for you to stay happy in any situation.

So, it teaches us how to be happy in every situation?

Krishna’s Diffrent Names – Bansi Bajaiya/GOVINDA/KRISHNA/Nand Lala/ Girdhar Gopala, Chitchor and many more.

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